Why I got upset about a fridge…

I got a bit rage filled today at the following post on Twitter and it’s worth thinking a little more about why I had such a strong reaction to it. Apart from the fact that I am deeply offended by the idea that a fridge can run my life better than I can, there was something more…

I think it goes something like this:

Then this kind of nonsense is not anywhere close to the kinds of solutions our world needs.

(Photo by Nicolas Barbier Garreau on Unsplash)

2 thoughts on “Why I got upset about a fridge…

  1. Ammie,

    The power of this post comes from that stark contrast you generate between unwanted anticipation of what some very privileged people might ‘need’, with those people who are dehumanized and in desperate need. It gives me lots to reflect on this Sunday.

    thank you,


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