I’m continuing to do my 23 Things, and thing 3 is digital footprints. Whilst I’m pretty open about my life and the things that interest me I do try to put a little separation online between professional life and personal life. It’s not a hard line, but I do make sure my Linked In page is easy to find and up to date, and that my Facebook account is a bit more locked down.
I was pleased then when I Googled myself to find that it was my work contact details and my Linked In profile that floated to the top of the first page. A couple of links to guest blog posts or conference presentations were also there including one I’d done very recently.
I tried looking for myself on Duck Duck Go as well and lot less specific stuff floated to the top – mainly my Linked In profile again. That’s not surprising but also reassuring that nothing I didn’t want is floating to the top for other people.
I also did a quick search via Google on another web browser that I hadn’t been signed into my Google account on. Again mostly my professional life floated to the top.
What I did like was the selection of images that also came up. There’s a very cool looking and diverse set of ladies out there in the world who all share a similar name to me.
(By subberculture (Paolozzi sculpture) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons)