Rattling back up the tracks from Leeds after a super-fast visit to the EC Technology Enhanced Learning conference. Sadly I couldn’t stay for the main conference, but thanks to the efforts of Dr Adam Cooper, myself, Dr Maren Scheffel and Dr Liz Bennet had the … Continue reading EC-TEL 2018: Student Facing Learning Analytics Dashboards
Category: learning analytics
Disorder of the future
Some stuff went down on the internet around an op-ed that Cathy O’Neil wrote in the New York Times about algorithms and accountability. I’ve no interest in being drawn into the kick-back, but it did force me to think about the extent to which the … Continue reading Disorder of the future
A poor metaphor where I obliquely compare the VLE to a dinosaur
One of my concerns about learning analytics has been the potential for ‘feeding the beast’ to become a goal in and of itself. Where you end up constraining the systems that can be used to teach in order to make sure that the analytics are … Continue reading A poor metaphor where I obliquely compare the VLE to a dinosaur
Value of being open
Over the last week I’ve spent a significant amount of time at 2 major conferences – OER16 and LAK16. A series of 3 conferences were running back to back at Edinburgh and like many others I took the opportunity to do a deep dive and … Continue reading Value of being open