In writing a quick post to archive our tweets from the PressEd Conference today I can see just how many fragments and drafts of posts I’ve created over the past 4 weeks as I’ve been traveling. I have *a lot* to write about at the moment, including some great work on data literacy and algorithmic transparency from the LAK18 Hackathon, various other reflections on the 5 days of that event; the 3 days I just spent in Kamloops at Thomson Rivers University, some lovely stories from hanging with family and friends in New Zealand, some meditating on unexpected situations and challenges, the amazing art exhibition I saw in Vancouver today. This isn’t any of those blog posts. Goodness knows if I’ll even write half of them. Turns out blogging whilst traveling is not something I’m good at. But I thought about it. I made some notes. So points for effort and good intentions – right?*
* I am slowly learning the tropes of blogging including this: The blog post where nothing is actually blogged except the vague intention to blog some more later.
can’t wait to read more!